Compulsory Electrical Checks to be introduced
Posted Wednesday 30 January 2019 - 12:31pm by Trust Audit
The government is to make five year electrical checks of rented homes compulsory.
Rented homes will soon have to undergo ‘tough’ new electrical safety checks every five years, it has been announced by housing minister Heather Wheeler.
The industry is already knee deep in other recently-introduced regulations including Client Money Protection, Tenant Fees Ban and the extension of Money Laundering regulations to include letting agents.
At present, Section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 obliges landlords of residential lettings to keep electrical installations in good repair and proper working order and landlords may be liable for the injury of a tenant or resident caused by defective wiring under the Defective Premises Act 1972.
The new electrical check will have to be carried out by a competent and qualified tester - guidance will soon be published that will set out the minimum levels of competence required to be a tester. Landlords will be legally required to ensure that the inspectors they hire to carry out safety inspections have the necessary competence and qualifications; there will be “tough financial penalties” for those who fail to comply.